About the Team

Peter Kraftl (p.kraftl@bham.ac.uk) is best known for his research on children’s geographies, and especially for research into the emotions, affects, materialities and practices that make up their everyday lives. He also publishes on geographies of education and architecture. He is currently an Editor of the journals Area and Children’s Geographies and was a founding member of the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). He is also an Honorary Professor at the School of Education, RMIT, Melbourne.

Arooj Khan (axk734@student.bham.ac.uk) is a PhD student at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Her doctorate project uses creative research methods to understand the impact of regeneration on children and young people facing disadvantage. She is also the Founding Director of Artem et Populis, an organisation that uses community arts to explore, interrogate and resolve key local socio-political issues. She also acts as the postgraduate representative of the Race, Culture and Ethnicity Working Group at the Royal Geographical Society.